'Nervión - Ounasjoki' Espacio Marzana, Bilbao Jun 2018
(En español debajo / euskaraz beherago)
'Our performance practice is rooted in events, stories, moods, attitudes that concern us personally (ie. the cultural differences between Finland and Spain, the challenges of a committed loving relationship or navigating the thicket of contradictions inherent to the art context). We often start by talking informally about the subject. Then, we develop a performance script, which tends to be rich in symbolic associations -sometimes bordering the absurd- and poetic imaginary (for instance, burying our passports, sticking red dots to our reading glasses or the two artists singing traditional songs from Lapland and Basque Country respectively at the same time). We often sparkle these issues with a healthy dose of humour. Finally, we find props and ways of using our bodies, voices and the space, to actualise the performance.' Raisa Raekallio & Misha del Val
'Nuestra forma de realizar performance tiene sus raíces en eventos, historias, estados de ánimo, actitudes que nos conciernen personalmente (es decir, las diferencias culturales entre Finlandia y España, los desafíos de una relación amorosa comprometida o navegar por el mar de contradicciones inherentes al contexto artístico). A menudo comenzamos hablando informalmente sobre el tema. Luego, desarrollamos un guión de rendimiento, que tiende a ser rico en asociaciones simbólicas, a veces bordeando lo absurdo, y el imaginario poético (por ejemplo, enterrar nuestros pasaportes, pegar puntos rojos en nuestras gafas de lectura o estar los dos artistas cantando canciones tradicionales de Laponia y País Vasco respectivamente al mismo tiempo). A menudo hacemos brillar estos problemas con una buena dosis de humor. Finalmente, encontramos objetos y formas de usar nuestros cuerpos, voces y el espacio para actualizar la performance.' R&M
'Performancea egiteko dugun moduak pertsonalki eragiten diguten ekitaldietan, istorioetan, gogo-aldarteetan eta jarreretan ditu sustraiak (hau da, Finlandiaren eta Espainiaren arteko kultura-ezberdintasunak, maitasun harreman konprometitu baten erronkak edo testuinguru artistikoari datxezkion kontraesanetatik itsasoan nabigatzea). Askotan, gaiari buruz informalki hitz egiten hasten gara. Gero, errendimenduzko gidoi bat garatzen dugu, elkarte sinbolikoetan aberatsa izateko joera duena, batzuetan absurduaren ertzetik, eta imajinario poetikoa (adibidez, gure pasaporteak lurperatzea, gure betaurrekoetan puntu gorriak itsastea edo bi artistak Laponiako eta Euskal Herriko kantu tradizionalak kantatzen egotea aldi berean). Askotan arazo horiek umore dosi on batekin distirarazten ditugu. Azkenik, gure gorputzak, ahotsak eta espazioa erabiltzeko objektuak eta moduak aurkitzen ditugu performancea eguneratzeko.' R&M
'Our performance practice is rooted in events, stories, moods, attitudes that concern us personally (ie. the cultural differences between Finland and Spain, the challenges of a committed loving relationship or navigating the thicket of contradictions inherent to the art context). We often start by talking informally about the subject. Then, we develop a performance script, which tends to be rich in symbolic associations -sometimes bordering the absurd- and poetic imaginary (for instance, burying our passports, sticking red dots to our reading glasses or the two artists singing traditional songs from Lapland and Basque Country respectively at the same time). We often sparkle these issues with a healthy dose of humour. Finally, we find props and ways of using our bodies, voices and the space, to actualise the performance.' Raisa Raekallio & Misha del Val
'Nuestra forma de realizar performance tiene sus raíces en eventos, historias, estados de ánimo, actitudes que nos conciernen personalmente (es decir, las diferencias culturales entre Finlandia y España, los desafíos de una relación amorosa comprometida o navegar por el mar de contradicciones inherentes al contexto artístico). A menudo comenzamos hablando informalmente sobre el tema. Luego, desarrollamos un guión de rendimiento, que tiende a ser rico en asociaciones simbólicas, a veces bordeando lo absurdo, y el imaginario poético (por ejemplo, enterrar nuestros pasaportes, pegar puntos rojos en nuestras gafas de lectura o estar los dos artistas cantando canciones tradicionales de Laponia y País Vasco respectivamente al mismo tiempo). A menudo hacemos brillar estos problemas con una buena dosis de humor. Finalmente, encontramos objetos y formas de usar nuestros cuerpos, voces y el espacio para actualizar la performance.' R&M
'Performancea egiteko dugun moduak pertsonalki eragiten diguten ekitaldietan, istorioetan, gogo-aldarteetan eta jarreretan ditu sustraiak (hau da, Finlandiaren eta Espainiaren arteko kultura-ezberdintasunak, maitasun harreman konprometitu baten erronkak edo testuinguru artistikoari datxezkion kontraesanetatik itsasoan nabigatzea). Askotan, gaiari buruz informalki hitz egiten hasten gara. Gero, errendimenduzko gidoi bat garatzen dugu, elkarte sinbolikoetan aberatsa izateko joera duena, batzuetan absurduaren ertzetik, eta imajinario poetikoa (adibidez, gure pasaporteak lurperatzea, gure betaurrekoetan puntu gorriak itsastea edo bi artistak Laponiako eta Euskal Herriko kantu tradizionalak kantatzen egotea aldi berean). Askotan arazo horiek umore dosi on batekin distirarazten ditugu. Azkenik, gure gorputzak, ahotsak eta espazioa erabiltzeko objektuak eta moduak aurkitzen ditugu performancea eguneratzeko.' R&M
'La nación transparente y la casa de madera’ (The Transparent Nation and the Wooden House)
Bilbaoarte Foundation, Bilbao
And you, where do you seek Refuge?
Bilbaoarte Foundation, Bilbao
And you, where do you seek Refuge?
‘The Joy of Not Being What I think I am’
Galerie Pleiku, Berlin
(1.) Prologue i: Nordic Youth - Iberian Youth
R whistles the Finnish National anthem, while M whistles the Spanish National anthem.
Then R and M whistle along the opening theme song of the cartoon tv series 'Once Upon a Time... Life'.
(2.) Prologue ii: She – He
R dismantles a mobile phone into its smaller parts. Then she tries to put them back together again.
M dismantles a flower into smaller parts. Then he tries to put them back together again.
(3.) Prologue iii: Finnish/Lappish - Spanish/Basque
R and M have a one-word conversation: R using the word 'Nokia', M using the word 'Paella'. Occasionally they introduce the words 'Joulupuki' and 'ETA'.
(4.) Prologue iv: International Artist
R makes an origami exercise with a catalogue sheet from their exhibition at the gallery.
M puts on a pair of sun-glasses in which he gradually sticks red dots until he can't see anymore.
(5.) Prologue v: Coffee - Tea
R holds a cup of coffee.
M holds a cup of tea.
(6.) Prologue vi: Female Artist - Male Artist
R places one by one painting brushes between her breasts.
M places one by one painting tubes into his flies.
(7.) Prologue vii: Spiritual Materialism
(8.) Prologue viii Relationship
R and M put on the same pair of pants, one leg each.
They light a candle and hold it together.
Galerie Pleiku, Berlin
(1.) Prologue i: Nordic Youth - Iberian Youth
R whistles the Finnish National anthem, while M whistles the Spanish National anthem.
Then R and M whistle along the opening theme song of the cartoon tv series 'Once Upon a Time... Life'.
(2.) Prologue ii: She – He
R dismantles a mobile phone into its smaller parts. Then she tries to put them back together again.
M dismantles a flower into smaller parts. Then he tries to put them back together again.
(3.) Prologue iii: Finnish/Lappish - Spanish/Basque
R and M have a one-word conversation: R using the word 'Nokia', M using the word 'Paella'. Occasionally they introduce the words 'Joulupuki' and 'ETA'.
(4.) Prologue iv: International Artist
R makes an origami exercise with a catalogue sheet from their exhibition at the gallery.
M puts on a pair of sun-glasses in which he gradually sticks red dots until he can't see anymore.
(5.) Prologue v: Coffee - Tea
R holds a cup of coffee.
M holds a cup of tea.
(6.) Prologue vi: Female Artist - Male Artist
R places one by one painting brushes between her breasts.
M places one by one painting tubes into his flies.
(7.) Prologue vii: Spiritual Materialism
(8.) Prologue viii Relationship
R and M put on the same pair of pants, one leg each.
They light a candle and hold it together.
'So How Do You Do in Finand? Well, It Depends When You're Asking'
Aitta-studio, Sirkka
Act1 – Introductions: M holds a chorizo. R holds the horns of an elk.
Act2 – Please Be Tolerant: M sits in front of the chorizo and says to it in Finnish "I am tolerant, you are tolerant, he/she is..." R with the elk's horns emulates the movements of a bull.
Act3 – The Song: M sings a Basque song and R sings a Lappish song at the same time.
Act4 – Multicultural Multinational: M and R sit together. They eat pizza and drink beer from major brands.
Act5 – Papers: M buries his passport. R tapes her passport to her face.
Act6 – Opening Doors: M and R take turns in opening the front door of two near-by buildings.
The Misgivings of Perfect Love
Aitta-Studio, Sirkka
A and B set the table, sit and drink a cup of tea.
A puts a welding mask on and peels a banana
meanwhile B holds a plastic toy brain
A holds a mirror
B makes small paper ball and throws them at A
A puts heavy duty gloves on, washes his hands with soap and dries them in a towel
B waters a plant with marbles
A sticks his tongue out
B blows on A's tongue
A spreads lemon over his arms
B holds a mirror
A and B swap a piece of cloth they are wearing
A and B distribute amongst the audience mandarins and small paper balls
Aitta-Studio, Sirkka
A and B set the table, sit and drink a cup of tea.
A puts a welding mask on and peels a banana
meanwhile B holds a plastic toy brain
A holds a mirror
B makes small paper ball and throws them at A
A puts heavy duty gloves on, washes his hands with soap and dries them in a towel
B waters a plant with marbles
A sticks his tongue out
B blows on A's tongue
A spreads lemon over his arms
B holds a mirror
A and B swap a piece of cloth they are wearing
A and B distribute amongst the audience mandarins and small paper balls